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Lowongan Kerja Di Mamuju April 2013

Diposting oleh : Posted on Rabu, 10 April 2013 - 11.41 with No comments

Lowongan Kerja Di Mamuju April 2013 – lowongan kerja terbaru april 2013, update lowongan kerja april 2013, lowongan kerja Kota Mamuju April 2013. Berikut Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Mamuju April 2013 Selengkapnya..

Lowongan Kerja Di Mamuju April 2013

PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika


Kami perusahaan Asuransi Umum (kendaraan bermotor, marine, cargo, property, alat berat) swasta nasional Grup Bank Danamon Indonesia, sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang potensial sebagai :

Surveyor Motor dan Mobil - Mamuju
Mamuju (Sulawesi Barat)

Melakukan rangkaian proses survey penutupan dan atau survey klaim sesuai prosedur untuk memperoleh informasi lengkap mengenai kondisi object pertanggungan sekaligus menghandle walk in customer (terkait pekerjaan customer services) jika dibutuhkan Melakukan improvement yang terkait lingkup pekerjaannya agar pekerjaan yang dilakukan dapat semakin efektif dan efisien serta meningkatkan kepuasan customer Membuat laporan yang terkait dengan kegiatan survey untuk memberikan informasi lengkap yang dibutuhkan mengenai seluruh kegiatan survey


D3 preferable jurusan asuransi
Freshgraduate preferable pengalaman satu tahun sebagai surveyor

Kirimkan surat lamaran anda beserta CV, fotokopi Ijasah dan KTP, Pas Foto terbaru (warna, 4x6) ke email :


Closing Date:05-05-13


PT. Dian Graha Elektrika


PT.Dian Graha Elektrika have cooperation with some multinational company in Telecommunication Industry is looking for suitable candidates to join our team for position as:

Maintenance Field Officer (MFO) – Js
Kendari (Sulawesi Tenggara), Mamuju (Sulawesi Barat), Palu (Sulawesi Tengah), Tapanuli (Sumatera Utara)


Monitoring routine maintenance work site and genset performed by contractors
Monitoring repair work by the contractor according to SOP
Monitoring or maintenance of generators and fuel usage in order to always be ready to operate when required
Implement KPI CME and repeaters that have been defined according to schedule and ensure the minutes of KPIs that have been signed on schedule
Evaluate implementation of the work the contractor
Prepare all the documents supporting the needs of the insurance claim


Male, age max 27 years old
Min. D3 majoring in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, & Telecommunication
Min. 2 years experience in Maintenance Wireless Telecommunication / Tower
Have knowledge in BTS Tower and Repeater
Computer literate
Having Driving License (SIM A/SIM C)
Will be place at Kendari, Palu, Tarutung, Mamuju & Majene

Send your detail CV, the newest photograph not later than April 11, 2013 to: recruitment@diangraha.com or visited our website at www.diangraha.com
(Please put the reference code as e-mail subject. Only eligible candidates will be contacted soon to attend further interview)

Closing Date:27-04-13


Sekian Informasi "LOWONGAN KERJA MAMUJU" yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga dapat membantu Anda dalam mencari pekerjaan di Kota Mamuju dan sekitarnya untuk bulan April 2013.

Description: Lowongan Kerja Di Mamuju April 2013 Rating: 4.9 Reviewer: isroi - ItemReviewed: Lowongan Kerja Di Mamuju April 2013
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