PT Indolakto
PT Indolakto (Indolakto) merupakan salah satu produsen dairy terbesar di Indonesia, yang memproduksi antara lain susu kental manis, susu cair (susu Ultra High Temperature atau UHT, susu steril dalam botol, susu pasteurisasi) dan susu bubuk. Selain itu, Indolakto juga memproduksi es krim, minuman yoghurt dan mentega. Merek-merek Indolakto diantaranya Indomilk, Cap Enaak, Tiga Sapi, Orchid Butter, dan Indoeskrim, merupakan merek- merek terkemuka di pasar dengan pangsa pasar yang signifikan. Merek-merek Indolakto dikenal dan diakui oleh konsumen karena cita rasa dan kualitasnya yang tinggi. Indomilk, merek utama Indolakto telah eksis di Indonesia selama lebih dari 4 dekade.
Area Sales & Promotion Representative - Bogor
Bogor (Jawa Barat)
- Bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Area Sales & Promotion Manager.
- Membina kerjasama dengan tim distributor dan outlet dalam pelaksanaan, pemantauan dan pelaporan kegiatan kompetitor serta retur produk di depo/stock point yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya untuk mencapai target penjualan secara efektif dan efisien.
- Menyukai Tantangan dan ketertarikan berkarir dibidang Sales & Promotion
- Memiliki SIM C dan Kendaraan Motor
- Memiliki Pengalaman dalam Promosi Produk Makanan dan Minuman Menjadi Nilai Tambah
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap Anda via email ke
atau kirimkan langsung ke alamat:
PT. Indolakto
Jl. Raya Bogor KM.50
Cijujung, Bogor
Tel/Fax: 0251 8662591
dilengkapi dengan :
Datar Riwayat Hidup dilengkapi dengan foto terbaru
Copy Ijazah & Transkrip Nilai
Copy Setifikat Kursus / Training
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Closing Date:16-05-13
PT BPK Gunung Mulia
Kami perusahaan Penerbitan dan Percetakan Buku Kristiani, mengajak Anda yang menyukai TANTANGAN dan BERKOMITMEN tinggi untuk bergabung bersama kami dengan posisi sebagai :
Sales Executive Depok - Bogor
Bogor (Jawa Barat), Depok (Jawa Barat)
- Pria max 35 Tahun
- Pendidikan min D3 semua jurusan
- Mempunyai sepeda motor dan SIM C
- Pengalaman min 1 thn ( terbuka untuk fresh graduate)
- Terbiasa bekerja dengan target, memiliki komitmen dan memiliki hubungan interpersonal yang baik
- Mendapatkan Gaji Tetap dan insentive
- Menguasai area Depok-Bogor dan sekitarnya
Closing Date:22-05-13
Giving you the very best consumer goods jobs around, our team thrives on the partnerships they have created with some of the world’s most recognized and respected brand names. With at times fierce competition for quality executive candidates both locally and internationally, Monroe has already proven itself as the executive recruitment company needed by clients seeking the very best candidates for their consumer goods jobs.
Our high-profile consultants have the experience, intimate industry knowledge and networks needed to locate consumer goods jobs and hard-to-find consumer good executive talent for the key positions crucial to the operations of our many satisfied clients. With our extensive network, our advanced methods of head-hunting and our substantial database, Monroe’s Consumer Goods team can fill any consumer goods jobs quickly and cost effectively.
Warehouse Manager Job (Personal and Health Care Products), Cileungsi, Bogor
Bogor (Jawa Barat), Cileungsi (Jawa Barat)
Monroe Consulting Group is recruiting for a leading multinational consumer goods company that focuses on personal and health care products. This exciting company is seeking a logistics professional to fill the job of Warehouse Manager for their factory in Cileungsi, Bogor, Indonesia. This is an amazing opportunity to work for a respected multinational company.
- Manage and oversee daily inventory/logistics management of warehouse operations
- Manage manpower and effectively deploy them to maximize productivity
- Monitor continuously the quality, accuracy and efficiency of the warehouse system flow for improvement
- Implement warehouse/logistics procedures and policies periodically to ensure cost efficiency and productivity
- Supervise periodic cycle count activities and ensure all inventories are properly managed with 100 percent stock accuracy
- Coordinate to ensure best delivery system and replenishment practices
- Current Position: Warehouse Manager
- Three years’ experience as warehouse manager with a multinational company
- Fluent English, both oral and written, is a MUST
- Bachelor’s degree (min.)
- Strong leadership skills
- Strong team player
- Persistent
- Assertive
Closing Date:18-05-13
Sekian Informasi "LOWONGAN KERJA BOGOR" yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga dapat membantu Anda dalam mencari pekerjaan di Kota Bogor dan sekitarnya untuk bulan Mei 2013. Salam sukses...
Description: Lowongan Kerja Bogor Mei 2013 Rating: 4.9 Reviewer: isroi - ItemReviewed: Lowongan Kerja Bogor Mei 2013
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